Frequently Asked Questions

How big is a cord of wood?

A cord of wood is a 128 Cubic Feet or 4 Ft High x 4 Ft Wide x 8 Ft Long.

1/3 cord of wood is a 42.66 Cubic Feet or 4 High x 1.3 Ft Wide x 8 Ft Long.
2/3 cord of wood is a 84.5 Cubic Feet or 4 High x 2.6 Ft Wide x 8 Ft Long.

What length of firewood do you supply?

16″ Lengths is what we cut standard.
If you order 2 or more cords at one time we can cut any length you wish.

How big are the pieces of split firewood you provide?

Our standard size split firewood is about the size of a softball. We like this size because fires are easy to start and anyone can handle the pieces with one hand. Much bigger than this with oak firewood it will require both hands for a single piece of firewood.

What kind of firewood do you sell?

All of the firewood that we sell in our delivery service are hardwoods. This means that all the trees that we use have leaves on them not needles (pine or fur). 

Most of the firewood, that we sell is ash, oak, cherry, hickory, and maple. 

Is your firewood seasoned?

Yes, All of the firewood that we sell has been cut down 6 to 12 months before it is sold. The firewood that we deliver before October usually hovers between 15 and 22% moisture.  Some firewood sold after October fire wood cut 6 to 12 months prior but will be freshly spilt prior to delivery.

Can I get a full load of one species of firewood?


Most of the firewood that we have is sold as mixed firewood because we get a mix of firewood. Sometimes we get a large enough load, where we have full rows of firewood, that is oak, hickory, or cherry. This is infrequent what is available sometimes.

When is the best time to buy firewood?

The best time to buy firewood is in the spring and summer. This will ensure that you have the firewood you want when you are ready to use it. The demand for firewood, in the spring, and summer is much less than the fall and winter.

Where do you get your firewood?

We got our firewood from many places. Some people call us to cut up trees that have fallen in their yard. Some of the wood comes from the woods on our property, but most of the firewood comes as a byproduct of logging.   A lot of the firewood that we have are the tops of trees that have been cut for lumber. 

Is this your full-time job?

No, this is a hobby business that we work on in the evening and on the weekends.  We usually spend between 8 and 16 hours a week doing the firewood business.

What’s the best way to contact you?

Being as though this is a second job for me it is impossible to answer all the phone calls associated with the firewood business during my normal jobs works hours. It is not uncommon to receive 40 phone calls on a Saturday and Sunday.

It is best to only use texts to the phone number listed. I usually can respond with a few minutes to an hour.


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